Financial Post G7 Record

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Financial Post, Daily edition, Wed 31 Jul 96

The world's major powers closed ranks to combat terrorism yesterday -- urging other nations to join them -- but sidestepped a dispute over U.S. demands for sanctions against what Washington calls "terrorist states." Foreign and security ministers from Russia and the G7 nations approved a list of 25 measures to defeat terrorists.

The package includes pledges to reinforce police co-operation and training, share intelligence, ease extradition and legal assistance, and dry up sources of funding and weapons. The ministers vowed to prevent extremists from using the Internet to plan attacks and spread bomb-making instructions. French Foreign Minister Herve de Charette said the Paris meeting achieved its objectives -- adopt concrete measures and show the nations are "strongly determined to act shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-in-hand." The U.S. delegation did not raise a contentious call for sanctions against Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan -- states he says support terrorism -- because of opposition from several G7 members.

This information is provided by the Financial Post.

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