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Explaining G8 Effectiveness in the Approach to the New Millenium

Professor John Kirton
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

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Bayne, Nicholas (1995), AThe G7 Summit and the Reform of Global Institutions,@ Government and Opposition 30 (Autumn): 492-509.

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Bretton Woods Commission (1994), ABretton Woods: Looking to the Future,@ Commission Report, Staff Review, Background Papers , (Washington, D.C.; Bretton Woods Commission, July).

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Hodges, Michael (1994), AMore Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7,@ The International Spectator 29 (April-June): 161-177.

Hoekman, Bernard and Michel Kostecki (1995), The Political Economy of the World Trading System: From GATT to WTO , (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Ikenberry, John, "The Myth of Post Cold War Chaos," Foreign Affairs 75 (May-June 1996): 79-91.

Ikenberry, John (1993), "Salvaging the G-7," Foreign Affairs 72 (Spring): 132-139.

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Kirton, John, (1998) "Economic Co-operation: Summitry, Institutions and Structural Change" in Gavin Boyd and John Dunning, eds. Structural Change in the Global Economy , (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, forthcoming).

Kirton, John (1997a), ACanada and APEC: Contributions and Challenges,@ Asia Pacific Papers 3 (May): 1-27.

Kirton, John (1997b), ALe Role du G7 sur le Couple Integration Regionale/SecuritJ Globale,@ Etudes Internationales 28 (Juin).

Kirton, John (1995a), AThe G-7, the Halifax Summit, and International Financial System Reform,@ North American Outlook 5 (June): 43-66.

Kirton, John (1995b), AThe Diplomacy of Concert: Canada, the G7 and the Halifax Summit,@ Canadian Foreign Policy 3 (Spring): 63-80.

Kirton, John (1994), AExercising Concerted Leadership: Canada=s Approach to Summit Reform,@ The International Spectator 29 (April-June 1994): 161-176.

Kirton, John (1993), AThe Seven Power Summit and the New Security Agenda,@ in David Dewitt, David Haglund and John Kirton, eds., Building a New Global Order: Emerging Trends in International Security , (Toronto: Oxford University Press), pp. 335-357.

Kirton, John (1989), AThe Seven Power Summit as an International Concert,@ Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual meeting, London, England, April.

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Koekman, Bernard and Michel Kostecki (1995), The Political Economy of the World Trading System , (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Kokotsis, Ella. 1998. "National Compliance with G7 Environment and Development Commitments: 1988-95," Ph.D Dissertation. University of Toronto.

Kokotsis, Ella and John Kirton (1997), ANational Compliance with Environmental Regimes: The Case of the G7, 1988-1995,@ Paper prepared for the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, March 18-22.

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Putnam, Robert and Nicholas Bayne (1987), Hanging Together: The Seven Power Summits , (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).

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Williamson, John and Marcus Miller (1987), Targets and Indicators: A Blueprint for the International Coordination of Economic Policy , Policy Analyses in International Economics 22, (Washington, D.C.; Institute for International Economics).

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